Sept 14, 2019
Welcome back to yet another Weekly Update. Today’s blog is going to be a good one for sure. We’ve got a lot to cover today and some new cool updates to cover as well. This is the 13th Weekly Update so we are more than half way to the 20th Weekly Update! Also, the next Weekly Update, #14, may be delayed by a day due to a change in schedule. Anyway, let’s dive in:
⚠️Hurricane Watch⚠️
Future Weather
Weather Forecast
NEW! My Trip to WFAA
New Videos
More and Updates
⚠️Hurricane Watch⚠️

Made by WC

Hurrican Dorian Track Made by WC
Hurricane Dorian is in the past, but it will never be forgotten. For the Bahamas, it was a storm like none other. The Death toll has risen past 50, and about 13,000 homes have been destroyed. Now there is a new concern. Many areas of concern have popped up in the past week where there could be potential for a new tropical storm or hurricane to threaten the US. What do you know, there is actually a tropical storm located over the Bahamas right this minute causing more damage to the already devastated land. Tropical Storm Humberto. In fact, some believe it could grow to a Cat 2 in the Atlantic. But right now it’s a weak storm and it is not expected to grow until it is far off the coast. This storm will move out of the Bahamas pretty quickly and go back out into the Atlantic causing minimal damage which is great. But there are many more areas of concern.

Made by WC
Areas in yellow have low chances of forming Tropical depressions (30%). Areas in orange have higher chances (50%). The X’s are the current location of the disturbance or invest. An Invest in meteorology (investigative area, also written as INVEST) is a designated area of disturbed tropical weather that is being monitored closely for a potential tropical depression or tropical storm to form. We could see some activity within the next week with these cluster of storms.
Future Weather

Made by WC
A lot of North Texas is under a burn ban. Why? Because many parts of Texas are under several drought watches. Many in west Texas are actually under severe drought! Because of this, the burn ban is constantly spreading to other counties. So you may ask, “When will we see a break from the heat?”
Soon, I promise. We could even get below a high of 90’s this week! But the real cool down won’t begin until October most likely. 🙁
Weather Forecast:
Today– Mostly Sunny️☀️, High 96’/ Low 73′.
Sunday- Sunny☀️, High 96’/ Low 74′
Monday– Sunny☀️, High 92’/ Low 74′.
Tuesday– Mostly Sunny☀️, High 92’/ Low 74′. Then a 20% chance of showers.💦
Wednesday– Partly Cloudy☁️☀️, High 92’/ Low 73′. Then a 20% chance of showers in the evening.💦
Thursday– Partly Cloudy☁️☀️, High 91’/ Low 72′. Then a 20% chance of showers.💦
Friday– Thunderstorms possible⚡💦, High 88’/ Low 72′.
Saturday– Partly Cloudy☁️☀️, High 90’/ Low 72′. Then a 20% chance of showers in the evening.💦
*Forecast has been measured for the DFW area only.
Other places may have different Weather readings*
My Trip to WFAA

WFAA Studio with (Me, Chris, Cynthia, Jesse)
Yesterday, I made a special trip and went down to Victory Park in Dallas to tour the WFAA Studio! I got to meet Jesse Hawila and talk weather with him and watch real time broadcasts happen in the studio. I also got to meet Chris, Cynthia, and Mike. Everyone was so kind and friendly in the studio and I am so honored to have had that opportunity to visit this amazing WFAA Team! Thank you Jesse Hawila for being so kind for inviting me and spending your hours discussing weather with me and thank you Chris, Cynthia, and Mike! Thank you all for making yesterday such an amazing day for me!

(Me, Jesse)

Weather Station with Jesse
Thank you again. Also, here is their amazing site..