Weekly Update Oct 12, 2019

Oct 12, 2019

Welcome back to another Weekly update! This is the 17th Weekly Update. Not many more until the 20th! Today we will talk about some severe weather North Texas got recently and upcoming severe weather! Also, some other details. Let’s dive in:



Past Weather Discussion

Future Weather

Weather Forecast

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Past Weather Discussion

Radar Scope from 7:57 PM Thursday night

I’m sure most everyone of you got rain on Thursday night! It was an exciting night for sure, but not so much for Dallas. More like a terrifying night. At around 9:00 PM, up to 4 inch hail (baseball size) was crashing down on Dallas with wind gust up to 80 MPH. This violent storm was then followed by yet another violent storm that swept through Dallas. No tornadoes were reported that night. But indeed, this storm brought in an amazing cold front! Comment below about how much you love this cool weather!

Future Weather

Yes, we do have some more chances for severe Weather on Tuesday in fact. God chances for rain on Monday as well. Get ready for another wet few days!

Weather Forecast:

Today– Sunny️☀️, High 65‘/ Low 50‘.

Sunday- Mostly Sunny☀️, High 77‘/ Low 58‘.

Monday– Mostly Sunny☀️, High 81‘/ Low 65‘. Then a 30% chance of showers and thunderstorms in the evening.⚡💦

Tuesday– 90% chance of Thunderstorm in the morning and evening.⚡💦 Severe storms are possible⚠️, High 87‘/ Low 52‘.

Wednesday– Partly Cloudy☁️☀️, High 73‘/ Low 50‘.

Thursday– Partly Cloudy☁️☀️, High 80‘/ Low 55‘.

Friday– Cloudy☁️, High 81‘/ Low 66‘. Then a 20% chance of showers in the evening.💦

Saturday– Partly Cloudy☁️☀️, High 83‘/ Low 69‘. A 50% chance of showers.💦

*Forecast has been measured for the DFW area only.

Other places may have different Weather readings*

Upcoming Events

  1. Weather Center Fall Challenge on October 19!
  2. Game Day and Weekly Update on Nov 9th!
  3. Thanksgiving Blog and Website Holiday update around the week of Thanksgiving!
  4. Winter Challenge in January, don’t forget!
  5. Christmas Blog and Website Holiday update in December!

Viewer requested questions

Anyone have any questions they want answered? Comment below


WC is sorry for the short blogs lately but WC promises that the 20th Weekly update will be better than ever! Also, Weather Center has finally fixed the blog notifications temporarily! Let us know if you get them now!

Also, ANY WEATHER PICTURES????? Comment below and share them! WC is happy to see some.

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