Potential Severe Weather Outbreak (update)

Weather Center SPC image

Easter weekend potential Severe Weather Outbreak has a potential for blowing in to DFW this morning/afternoon/ and especially evening hours during convective heating times. Additionally, from the latest reports, there is a very good indication we could have a strong storm system move in through DFW by evening, late evening due to the all-day convective heating. So, because of this, WC has updated its models slightly.

Check out (https://home.pivotalweather.com/) for severe weather updates as well.

Also, NOAA just issued a recent Tornado Watch for parts of West Texas is going to potentially issue one for North Texas areas later in the evening (1-3 hours from now) Storms will be the MOST INTENSE potentially at around 2-3:00 AM. So in this Severe Weather Outbreak, there is a risk for Tornado, Large Hail, and Severe Wind… while this could not happen for DFW, it is still that major risk that makes this dangerous. STAY WEATHER AWARE!

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