Severe Weather Today and Major Cool Down!

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  1. Severe Weather and Wet Week!
  2. DFW Cool Down
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Severe Weather Possible Tonight for DFW

Some of North Texas is under a Slight Risk for severe weather. If you would like to read SPC’s Discussion CLICK HERE. Severe Weather capable of producing some Large Hail and Damaging winds will roll in past Midnight for most. Not only that, but storms will continue for most of Tuesday, and go off and on Wednesday and Thursday!


Severe Weather to hit West Texas and parts of Oklahoma now and extending into late evening. Then North Texas will face a dry line low pressure front followed by a little cool down after around 1-3 AM which is the target range for severe storms to hit. The Severe Storms will develop however just West of DFW in late evening hours so stray thunderstorms may hit earlier before night hours. Stay Weather Aware and follow WC all this week with the new UPDATE feature! (See below)

DFW Cool Down


COULD IT BE? Yes, it will get cooler and it may even stay below 90 for quite some time, possibly a continual downward trend! Get those last swimming days in!

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