Extreme Cold Plunge for DFW

An extreme wave of cold will hit the DFW area at the end of this week. Not only will it be cold, but it will be very cold. Record cold. The cold front will be moving in tonight and lowering temps throughout the week. On Sunday morning, low temperatures in the DFW area (especially northern or western) could reach as low as 10 degrees! Parts of northwestern Texas could easily reach the negatives. In fact, DFW hasn’t seen any temps as low as 4 degrees since 1930. DFW is not forecasted to reach 4 degrees, but it shows how rare something like this will be. Snow is also possible throughout the week and tomorrow we could see frozen drizzle in areas.

Wind chills could get to -10 degrees for parts of DFW!! So cold!

Preparation and Safety

Remember the 4 P’s

  1. Pets – protect your pets and keep them indoors during this time
  2. Pipes – wrap your pipes in warm towels and cover any openings. If you own a pool, keep your pool running during this time if at all possible and wrap the pool equipment as best as possible in warm towels. There is a huge risk for pipes breaking or pool equipment getting damaged with these low temps.
  3. Plants – whatever plants you still have that are alive through this Texas winter, try to protect. This cold will kill them if you aren’t careful.
  4. People – remember to keep yourself safe, warm, and ready for the cold. Make sure your loved ones are prepared as well with the 4 P’s.

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