Power Outages in Texas and Extreme Snow

Wow! What a week! Many this week experienced power outages, rolling blackouts, water pipes busting, no water supply, gas supply cut off, heavy snow, crazy amounts of ice, or a mix of many! WC will try to explain and recap some of this craziness and offer a way to reach out to WC and allow users to submit info on storms!


On Sunday, DFW got on average about 3.0-4.0 inches of snow! This caused many travel problems for those who were out on the roads. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday, DFW got on average about 1-2 inches of snow. Now the temperatures… It got so cold in DFW that this was the coldest DFW has been in 40 years! Parts of DFW even got down to -7 degrees! Collin, Denton, and Dallas County got to about 0 to -1 degrees.

This cold caused many problems including:

  • Freezing pipes
  • Freezing valves of power plants which reduced power output which then caused forced rolling blackouts and blackouts for almost 4,500,000 Texans
  • Almost half of Texas’s wind mills were frozen and un-operational
  • Frozen and damaged pools and pool equipment


Over 26 people unfortunately died from the cold this week in DFW. It is so heartbreaking such an event like this took the lives of these people. It is important to heed weather warnings, be aware of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, and please don’t drive on the roads during the ice or during bad road conditions. This snow storm may unfortunately be remembered most by the horrific 133 car pileup on I-35 to Fort Worth with over 65 injuries and 6 casualties. Moments like these are just so terrible, but bring out many heroes. The amazing team of police officers, emergency responders, and firefighters took action and hundreds of emergency vehicles responded to the scene. WC wants to thank the amazing team and the work they did to rescue many during that horrific day on Feb 11, 2021. WC will not be showing the dramatic videos caught live in the moment because of some of the truly traumatic footage captured.

Future Forecast

Remain safe still as the roads begin to go back to normal. Bridges will still be icy in some areas and under overpasses in the shade! Stay weather aware and prepare for the warmer weather!

How to stay safe

Tornado Safety is coming out soon! Stay tuned for its release on or around March 1st! Also want to report your storm experience this past week? Sign up to be a WC Storm Reporter today! It’s FREE and easy!

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