Texas Weather Center comes to you today with a few things. A Christmas forecast, a small little game day for Christmas, and A BRAND NEW WC SHOP ITEM!
Christmas Forecast
December will be a fairly average temperature month for much of North Texas. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will most likely be in the 50’s with lows around freezing in most places. Precipitation hasn’t been forecasted yet for the day, but still remains possible. Stay tuned for the “Winter Outlook For 2022” blog coming soon!
Game Day Question
How many Tornadoes have Occurred on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day combined since 1950?
A. 48 B. 116 C. 76 D. 167
Comment below what you think is the answer for a chance to win a few extra weather center skill points!
New Item in WC Shop!
Texas Weather Center just came out with its latest T-shirt! Get in the Christmas spirit and order one today! Christmas sales are coming soon!
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🥈David Bass
🥉Josephine Fowler
🥉Robert Fasulo
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