Comet Leonard | Christmas Comet

This is going to be the brightest comet to pass by earth in quite a while. It will be approximately 21 million miles from earth as it makes its pass. This is the Christmas gift of the heavens! Keep your eyes to the sky before and after sunset into the early night for the comet! Here are the details you need below so you can spot the comet yourself

How to View It

  • A telescope can be used for spotting, and is the best choice for finding it, although not necessarily required
  • Binoculars
  • Normal viewing by the naked eye

Where to Look

Look up by the planet Venus and you will be able to find the comet somewhere just below the planet and the horizon. Use a star finder app to locate Venus if you need to.

When to See It

Starting December 14th-19th will be the BEST time to view it

You can also see it between December 6th-25th of December but a telescope will probably be needed. As time moves on, the position of the comet will change in the night sky.

The night of December 12th is also one of the BEST times to view it.

Remember to view it after sunset into the early night but nothing after that would work very well.

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