Weather Center Photo Contest #5!

Weather Photo Contest


Beginning today, there is a WC challenge that will be about the BEST photo uploaded to Texas Weather Center! If you remember the last contests, you should know how this works. Although, this contest WC is introducing a few new tweaks and additions which you will see shortly!

It’s almost Fall of 2022, a new season with a whole new set of more AMAZING pictures! The purpose of this contest is to bring the WC community together but also get others outside in the environment taking pictures of the amazing weather around us and flexing their photography skills, ultimately learning new things!

What’s New

WC has changed up the scoring and prize system to accommodate for some additions in the system plus to simplify the scoring process. This will also make picture taking slightly easier due to the fact you will have specific elements to include in your image you submit. Good luck!


1st Place Winner will receive a grand prize of 1,000 WC Points PLUS WC will buy them a FREE WC Photo Contest t-shirt from it’s shop! WC will contact the winner through email to setup delivery options!

2nd Place will receive 500 WC Points

3rd Place will receive 200 Points

Additional places in “honorable mentions” (if included) will receive 50 WC Points.

Contest Duration:

Start Date: September 1st, 2022

End Date: December 31st 11:59 PM, 2022

You have 122 days to get the best picture you’ve ever gotten! WC will send out reminders often to remind you!

Tip #1

Got a good chance for taking a picture? Take advantage of it! Take the picture and upload it to WC! Not satisfied with it later on or got a better one? You can always change your photo after by deleting it and uploading the new one!


  1. ONLY upload 1 photo of yours with your name with it.
  2. Videos are not allowed
  3. Photos MUST be your own
  4. You must only upload images you’ve taken in the time period of the contest. No past photos allowed!
  5. Read the “Allowed Photos” for guidelines on what your photos can be.

Allowed Photos:

All Cloud or weather related photos. All severe weather photos. Nature and landscape photos. Artistic Natural and Sky photos. No unrelated weather photos! Any unrelated photos will be removed from the contest by WC.

Photo Points Guide:

Here shows the points and grading system WC will use on your photos. Below is the new grading system. The items in black print are a 1- 10 rating system directly for the photo style and quality. The items in purple are known as element bonuses. These are rewarded to a user if a specific element was captured in their image.

1-10 | Photo Quality Based on Image Clarity

1-10 | Photo Scenery Based on Quality of Landscape

1-10 | Weather Related Based on If Image Includes Weather Elements

1-10 | Severe Weather Related Based on If Image Includes Severe Weather

1-10 | Artistic Capture Based on If Image Includes an Artistic Angle or View

1-10 | Atmosphere Capture Based on How Much Sky is in the Image

5 | Altitude Bonus

5 | Rainbow Bonus

15 | Shelf Cloud

15 | Mammatus Cloud Bonus

5 | Sunset Time Bonus

75 | Tornado Bonus

25 | Funnel Cloud/Spout Bonus

15 | Rare Clouds Bonus

10 | Lightning Bonus

5 | Rain/Hail Bonus

10 | Storm Damage Bonus

10 | Anvil Cloud

20 | Supercell Structure

10 | Other Specified Bonus

Tip #2

The Purple Bonus type is a very special thing in these WC Contests! By studying this list and trying to include as many of these elements in your image as possible, you have a very good chance of reaching the podium!

How Upload your Awesome Weather Photo:

— Go to WC Groups and go to Weather Photos.

— Here, (only if you have an account), you can upload your picture using the upload photo feature. Don’t know how? Click Here to see a tutorial!

— Don’t have a WC account and want to send in a picture? Make an account! Or just send your photo to

Become a TWC Member today for FREE!

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