Cold Weather | Lunar Eclipse | Meteor Shower

Cold weather will arrive next week! Sunday DFW is expected to get around 1 inch of rainfall, followed by a strong cold front. This will bring in cold temperatures for much of North Texas. Lows could drop to the 40’s and even high 30’s in some places.

Cold temperatures will remain for the most part that week and continue as fall takes hold in Texas. I expect for Texas to finally see some cooler temperatures and tree color changes from here on out!

Stay tuned for a WC blog about Winter 2022-2023 Outlook and what to expect this winter!

Full Lunar Eclipse on November 7-8!

DFW will be able to see a full lunar eclipse on the night of November 7th! If you feel like getting up early, it will be from 1-7 AM early in the morning November 8th, with 3:30 AM being the peak eclipse time! For the best viewing, bring binoculars or a telescope to view the moon!

Orionids Meteor Shower October 21

On the night of October 21st, DFW could see up to 20 shooting stars per hour from the Orionids Meteor Shower in dark areas away from city light pollution! Make sure to catch this meteor shower around 11 pm that night and watch as it continues its show past midnight.

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