WC Update Info and Shop Sale!

New WC Design and WC Shop sale!

WC has a new design in its shop! Moon Gazing is now available just in time for an upcoming major sale for Black Friday and Christmas buying season! Starting November 19th and extending all the way through early December, enjoy several sales on WC’s shop ranging from 20% OFF, Free Shipping, and up to 40% OFF ALL PRODUCTS on Black Friday!

WC Cloud Types 101 Released

This page on cloud types will give you a basic understanding of some of the most common clouds plus some rare clouds. All clouds are made up of small water droplets or ice crystals, but there are many variants to clouds. Some are big, some are small. Some are high up in the sky, some are close to the surface. Below you will begin to learn the different types. Afterward, you will be such a wiz at your cloud facts, and you can “wow” your friends as you spot these clouds in the sky on an average day! Read about Cloud Types today!

Make sure to take the monthly poll by WC on the home page!

WC Update 4.0 Coming Soon!

WC has been working on a new major update for many months now and it is adding the finishing touches to it now! This major update will include some of the following:

  • Adds Member badges!
  • HUGE Update to Historical Weather Page! Tons more current condition data and styling to the page!
  • Release WC Tornado Center page!
  • Weather 101 page updates
  • New WC Server
  • Numerous other upgrades and tweaks

The update will take place sometime early next year, most likely January 2023. There is a possibility it could happen at the end of 2022 though, so stay tuned! WC most likely will be unreachable due to it being under “Maintenance Mode” while the update is taking place. This could last for about 6-12 hours. Thank you for all your support!

Make sure to SHARE WC with your friends and family and share the news about WC’s shop sale and the new 4.0 update! Thanks!

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