Fall Outlook 2023


Fall is finally here in DFW! Temperatures are finally dropping in DFW this week and by the end of the week we could see highs of 70’s in DFW! While we will be seeing a break from the heat, we won’t see the cooler temperatures that October typically brings to North Texas. Temperatures are expected to be above average for North Texas this October, which means we will have a lot more 70-80 degree days instead of 60 degree days!

Strong to severe weather is possible for DFW this Wednesday night into Thursday as well. A cold front during midweek is expected to bring heavy rain to much of North Texas, giving some areas as much as 3 inches of rain! Keep an eye out for another WC blog in the next 2 days for details on the Wednesday night storm. Stay weather aware.

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Draconid Meteor Shower

The Draconid meteor shower, also sometimes known as the Giacobinids, is one of the two meteor showers to annually grace the skies in the month of October.

Date: October 6-10

Peak Date: October 8

Time: Sun 7:00 PM – Monday 4:00 AM

Direction: 333° NW

Meteors Per Hour: 10

2/10 | Poor Viewing

Annual Solar Eclipse

The annual Solar Eclipse happens once a year in the United States and this year DFW will experience a partial 85% eclipse.

Date: October 14

Time: Starts at 10:23 AM | Highest Coverage at 11:52 AM | Ends at 1:29 PM

Coverage Amount: 85%

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