Fall Outlook / TWC Update

Update on the Tropics

There are currently 4 points of interest in the tropics right now. None of these locations have a very high potential for becoming anything (20% or less), so the lul of activity will most likely continue until later in September.

Fall Outlook 2024

The 6-10 day outlook shows continued cooler temperatures for much of Texas with temperatures staying in the 80’s! Things will dry up towards the end of the week though and we will see pretty dry weather the next 6-10 days.

September – November Outlook

The first look at Fall looks pretty dry and hotter than average… unfortunately. While these predictions aren’t perfectly accurate, they do give a good idea of general forecast trends.

Farmer’s Almanac

The Farmer’s Almanac forecast is also listed below, giving details on September. More storms will visit Texas around the 12-15th of September, then humid conditions will prevail for the following week at least, and then rain returns towards the end of September.

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