The Mysterious World-Wide Sounds

Hello, welcome back to yet another HUGE Weather Center blog giving you the fastest and most accurate weather data and NOW weather mysteries data… This blog is all about perhaps the worlds most baffling and strange weather/earth UNEXPLAINED phenomenon. We will also cover a couple other things.

The Mysterious World-Wide Sounds

For the past 100 Years, yes, 100 YEARS, there has been records of people saying and writing down about “Thundering noises” and “Strange Booms” and actually many saying “Nonstop nightly hums and whistling.” Some extreme cases people say claim that they hear “Screams from the skies” or even “Music from Heaven.”

Researchers found that in the space missions in the 1970’s and the satellites in space now actually have recorded some of the EXACT same sounds. They report humming and booming buzzing sounds. Here is one for example captured in space.

Now of course there are tons of doctored videos out there, not to mention doctored pictures of what they claim to be aliens or whatever. While these are unexplained, this doesn’t mean they cant be explained and that we should just assume aliens or other extraterrestrial beings. While the sounds are terrifying and most often unreal sounding, there must be an explanation and WC will talk about that today.


Here is a great video from Inside Edition reporting this fact. As you listen to the sounds, keep in mind where they were reported. Here are some straight facts. People from over 17,000 locations worldwide with over 7 MILLION reports have said they hear squealing, humming, ringing, and buzzing. Some say booms, and screams. The odd thing is that they all have one thing in common. They are all from the SKY. Also, some say they happen most often at sunset or dark hours.

Look at all the sources and how the world is baffled from such sounds!

strange sounds

The Mysterious World-Wide Sounds

So, before we talk about what these sounds could be, lets take a moment to look at the data. We know there are tons of reports all over the internet and social media platforms of strange sounds in space, on earth from the sky, etc. We know this started about 100 years ago. We know that many regions by WATER or that have any weather phenomenon happening have the sounds occur. But not all. We know that the areas that hear the hums (mostly at night) have many mountains and such around as well. Plus some say the ages of the people play a role too. So the Mystery of the world wide HUM is perhaps something to do with either:

  1. Radio wave signals radiating
  2. Volcanic Activity
  3. Tectonic plates moving
  4. Echo from magnetic field sounds (another strange phenomenon)

Again, this has been reported over 7 million times, sometimes these sounds occur simultaneously worldwide in many places at once. That will stay a mystery for now…


This one is truly baffling. Looking at 1,000’s of videos on all social platforms and the sounds they capture (non doctored) is truly other-planet like. Again, all seeming to come from the sky. In this video, you will see in British Columbia and Ontario, a video gone VIRAL, that this person captured an unexplained “Whale of Horror” also heard by millions of others. Not a one time occurrence.

The Mysterious World-Wide Sounds

These Sounds are unexplained for sure. But many say they could be caused from the aurora borealis. A roar and a scream from the aurora borealis? Sounds crazy. Believe it or not, its one of the two BEST explanations for this.

National Geographic says that these sounds reported by people are located in aurora borealis zones where the “Northern Lights” actually end up making these strange sounds during the show. Its because the suns particles impact the earth’s magnetic field and each other so violently it create noises and they are distorted as they reach earth. But could that really make those sounds? The non HUM sounds? Also, there are no Northern Lights happening at the time of many of those videos.

The Second Theory is something called Skyquakes. Skyquakes are unexplained reports of a phenomenon that sounds like a cannon, trumpet or a sonic boom coming from the sky. These are super rare space phenomenon in which the sky can distort sounds of something on earth or by military planes/aircraft in the sky in such a way and in such an EXTREME way to form literal screams and booms. This seems possible, but you can look at the many more cases of music heard from the sky and space and trumpet sounds. These just haven’t been solved yet. Perhaps they will never be solved. All we know is something strange has been happening around the world for over 100 years.


When more comes out about these mysterious sounds, WC will post about it. But with 100 years of it being mysterious, this could be awhile. Check it out for yourself by searching “Strange sounds heard world-wide”

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Rain and storms could arrive on Sunday and continue through Tuesday of next week.

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WC wants to hear from you if you have heard sounds like these or what you think they are!


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